Monday, October 4, 2010

What Happens When the Police Decide To Go on Strike?

Hello to all! I'm sad to admit that the few videos of documentary during our 2 days stuck in the house will not send. But all is well!

I'll hit that issue right on the head. It was like Batman, with all the nuts people running the streets for a few days here in Ecuador. The police went on strike, they took Prez captive, we were inside for 2 days, robbings and killings at will, but all of this was much worse in Guayaquil and in Centro of our city, we were pretty far out, but still were to stay in for safety. All is well, I hope haha, I'm not in on the whole world news, just news of the Gospel is what I'm spreading! During this time we studied a lot, made that box man for a video that didn't happen, but I have a few videos of documentary haha. Anyway, all is well, so please don't worry. I just figured that I should fill you in on all I could since you already knew some.

This week was great! Conference was wonderful, as usual, and I could actually understand almost everything! That is because the spirit was present and the Lord had something for me to hear. It is different hearing from a translation, but it was cool because they announce if an Authority translated their own. There were 7! That is motivation to me, to work my tail off in the work of the Lord, obtain this gift He has waiting for me if I prove worthy, and then to cherish it to the end of my life!

All I can say with conference to you all is 'pongalo en practica.' Put it in practice. We all get our own personal revelation, our own tips from the Lord to come closer to Him. Just live it! Don't justify, you are just looking for excuses to shy from the Lord's presence! I loved a quote where someone said it's easier to keep the commandments 100% than 98%. I know you all are just fine, but just don't stop!

It was a bummer, the families we had planned didn't come for various reasons, but we had 2 investigators that came who also attend church every week! We haven't even taught them yet! So we met with them after, they both desire to be baptized, and we have two dates set in 2 minutes haha. I just need to know that though other families didn't come, many families did, and each person there was meant to be there.

I KNOW that the Lord is working up something in me because the entire conference I could understand AND feel a burning desire like I've never felt before. This desire was for the welfare of the people. This desire was to teach, to work, to love, to know the people of Ecuador. I was just scratching (haha) with a desire that I couldn't and didn't want to get rid of! The Lord is changing me into a person who hears the word and doesn't see to himself, but sees to touch the world with it! It was so amazing to feel.

Also, PLEASE, for priesthood session was difficult to be away from the memories and activities, but I learned something very important. DON'T LOOK TO THE THINGS THAT HOLD US APART, LOOK AND CHERISH THE THINGS THAT KEEP US TOGETHER! The Gospel, The Priesthood, A Father in Heaven, Desires to Serve, Jesus Christ, and so many more! Oh and a shout out to you Dad in Conference with fly fishing! haha. The work will go on.

I had a cool exp. I'd like to share in closing. Earlier in the week we were visiting a man whose whole family are members BUT him. Missionaries, ex missionaries, the whole bang. He reads the Book of Mormon, he prays with the fam, they have family night. So we met with him and he always says 'some day I'll get baptized, some day.' I was sick of that answer haha and the Spirit kicked me in the but to get that message to him. I asked him, 'You have the desires. That is all the Lord asks. Why don't we make that 'someday' the 16 of October?' That hit him. He stopped talking. He bumbled around the question, but finally took it as a goal. I can take goals, for that is one step closer than we were seconds ago!

This church is true! I love you all so much and KNOW that the Lord is working miracles through me here. He will work his miracles through anyone who is ready, all you need is a desire. I don't know Spanish, I begin with that phrase frequently here, but I DO know something of great importance... Yo sè que tenemos un Redentor en Cristo. Jesucristo vive. Podemos vivir para siempre jamàs y tener cada esperanza durante nuestro viaje a vida eterna. This Church is true, I love you with all my heart and I work each day like I can't tomorrow. For time is going quickly. Till next week!

Elder Griffin McGinn

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