Monday, December 26, 2011

Email - December 26, 2011

That sure was fun. I was thinking last night and realized that we are weird. We had nothing edifying or constructive to say, it was all random… stories, sound effects, I love our family! I also realized something that I'm sure you missionaries will understand. I felt such a peace after talking to you all and a sense of 'I'm so glad I'm not there with them... cause I'm here!' It is hard, it is different, but there is no greater joy or sweeter sense than being here in the mission field trying to emulate the life of He who we celebrated this week in Salvation of my fellow men. I don't want to see you, well Skype was just fine haha. But I don't want to see you for 6 more months, I don't want time to fly by either. I am just too happy and there is so much to do with such little time. We are here in the service of our God, serving our fellow men, and I am a witness of the true happiness that comes in losing yourself in this cause.

I'm glad you all had a Merry Christmas and hope the phone call was fun and uplifting for you all, it sure was for me. I see the blessings of serving a mission in so many ways, my family is still strong, still progressing and we shall live forever.

Ah and thank you for the gifts! I LOVE the sweets, like always, and they will be gone in no time! Even though I should treasure them... I can't. The fruit snacks are already gone haha.

I should leave you with something spiritual today, I know it is small, but something impacted me this week. I was stressed, so was my companion, we were hurrying off to a visit and trying to keep our unity as a companionship. In flying down the street I saw an old lady who was waddling with a few bags of groceries and her purse. A small impression came to my mind to stop and help her. We did. We walked less than a block to her home, she was almost home when we stopped to help, but the sweetest spirit filled my heart and I broke into tears as we simply conversed with her, asked about her, listened to her, forgetting us, our problems and our cares. She thanked us for taking a load off her back, physically and emotionally. The rest of my day was wonderful and seeking unplanned service. That is the mission, that is Christ, That should be our mission. Be aware not of ourselves, but of others. Listen to THEM, share about THEM, help THEM, uplift THEM instead of listening to US, sharing about US, helping US or trying to uplift US. That is too much work to feel good and the falls are too hard and painful. Let us listen to the spirit, let us forget ourselves, let us be humble and love and lift, even if it is 2 bags of groceries a half of a block down the road.

I love this mission and know Jesus is the Christ. I know He died for me and that if I give all I can, I will gain a spot in Heaven with Him. Eso es la misión y lo que me esfuerzo por recordar y vivir todos los días. Eso es lo que trato de avivar en las vidas de mis hermanos ecuatorianos. No hay mayor sacrificio, no hay mayor gozo, los dos van a la mano y quiero atesorar cada momento que me queda!

Elder McGinn

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