Saturday, July 10, 2010

An Unexpected Change--Peru MTC

Wow, what a week. I'll try to touch on all your stuff quickly. I love all the word and I'm trying to remember all I can and type mui rapidamente!

Our devotional was E. Dellenbacher and bore amazing testimony on the Book of Mormon. He also said something significant that THE WHOLE FAMILY NEEDS TO HEAR, LISTEN UP! It was on Journal writing. He said that he 'never wrote a discouraging statement.' I took that to heart, stay optimistic and you will love life and those around you. Why be down, there's so much to be grateful for!

I know that was brief for all but I have 4 minutes to tell about my day and as you can tell by my typing I'm going fast as I can! This week has been much better. The Lord blesses those who try! It was fast and testimony meeting Sunday and the spirit was 'making my heart beat like an 808 drum' hahaha, get that one Mase? Anyway, I got up with the spanish knowledge I had and though my spanish was simple, it came out perfect! The gift of tongues is real. I love the comfort of the spirit, it won't be providing miracles daily for me, but every once in a while it gives us pushes of confidence and hope! The work is tough, but I'm working to serve, to love, and to rely on the spirit. It makes things much easier! I love this work, I don't want to be anywhere else right now cause the spirit is with me and I am going to be a miracle in the lives of the people of Ecuador.

OH NO!!! I have one minute and I left out HUGE news... I checked the mail only to find a Travel Itinerary... UH OH! I'm going to Peru's MTC here in 12 DAYS!!! I'm excited, scared, all of the above and then some haha. I'll tell you more about it next week. Sorry but I'm about to get booted!

I love you all so very much and pray for you all. Continue to pray for me! I cherish the memories and the picture I have of you!!!

Elder McGinn

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